Catholic and Vegan

An invitation to boundless compassion and love for all God's creatures.

My journey to boundless compassion. 🐱

More resources. 🐥

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An invitation to boundless compassion and love for all God's creatures.

This is a resource website inviting you to include animals in your circle of compassion. When the scales of blindness fell from my eyes, I could not unsee the immense suffering that humans inflict on innocent and helpless creatures. Through prayer I discerned that God is inviting me to speak about boundless compassion and love for all of His creatures.

Please browse through links to philosophical discussions, theological arguments, facts about human nutrition, and vegan recipes that will ease your transition into a more compassionate lifestyle. I assure that a compassionate life is also a joyful and meaningful one. Take the plunge, and live the life that God hopes for us.

Let us live according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church (#2418) that teaches: "It is contrary to human dignity to cause animals to suffer or die needlessly."